Sunday, August 18, 2013

Update......WHat is completed

Well The principal and his dad put up my new white boards and nice huge bulletin board. So that is done!

Toolboxes are almost done... just next to make some other labels, certain ones printed for small drawers and I need them for the bigger drawer. Or vice versa.

I am so excited about them, so much so I am going to get two more for the cabinet. They hold so much and sort out so much.

I do wish they were one inch longer to hold pens and pencils.

O well.

I got my podium clean out and basically organized, not complete. But so close.

Sadly, I stopped working on the bulletin board to work on the tool boxes. Beside I keep debating on the red background, Because I really prefer blue to red.

Now I have three bulletin boards instead of two.

As I said in a earlier post I have eight tables this year, at each table I have an old single desk, the kind that the legs can be adjusted. Each desk is at the lowest point, this allows me to put the desk under each table. Now I have storage space, to keep table supplies for each table. That will keep down movement to bare minimum. Each table I am making a supply box.

Now what I havent mention is I work at a job at the mall. There I have access to wonderful boxes all different shapes and sizes. They are sturdy enough to use on a regular basis. I have been collected certain styles for weeks now with the plan on making them into supply boxes.

They are awesome little boxes with dividers built in. Each has six compartments, so I am planning on putting in each box certain things such as: post it's, eraser caps, small hand held pencil sharpener, extra rolls of tape, glue sticks, hole re enforcers and paper clips.

Now if you do the INTERACTIVE SS NOTEBOOK, those things are used often and I waste too much time passing them out.

The plan is to have a table captain who is the only one allowed in the box and is responsible for keeping up with each box.

I am seriously considering putting a box of tissues at each table and a small garage can. O so many ideas and so little time and money.....

Meanwhile make-up boxes came in and I had to collect them. Even though at the time I had no clue what I am using them for But......
that changed when I came up with idea for color pencil boxes.....

Now I made color pencil boxes for the first table. it like most thing isnt complete yet. But so close to being done.

I have enough for three tables, so I will have to go in to get more to make a full set. So excited.....

Monday plans.......

Bulletin Boards.....
Classroom set up (hopefully switch the 4 tables to make them match)
Type up classroom info for Open house....Why does it have to happen one day after we come back officially.

Tuesday continue Mondays plan

Wednesday.....Social Studies meetings! All a load of fun....Actually usually I get something out of them. Sometimes too much stuff.


For now I must go back to my on line classes, the ones I have put off for months!!!! SO SO ME.

And by next week I need to have finished the Whole brain teaching method videos.

By the way the signs that I found on Pinterest are awesome, may use on the big board for now.

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